A Lost Street: Applegrove Avenune

What happened? How can a street be lost? Let’s go back to the beginning, around 1909 when Applegrove Avenue was a short street running from Morley Avenue, now Woodfield Road, to Ashdale Avenue — a mere two blocks. It ran through the Ashbridge’s large apple orchard, giving an obvious reason for the street name. ApplegroveContinue reading “A Lost Street: Applegrove Avenune”

Some Leslieville Street Names

It is sometimes difficult to trace the origins of street names. Clearly most Leslieville streets were named after families who lived here or after the builders who put up the houses on the street. Only a few, such as Eastern Avenue, are more or less self-explanatory. Moreover, street names changed over time. Doel became Dundas; KingstonContinue reading “Some Leslieville Street Names”

Chinese Immigrants & The Old East End 

Thousands of Chinese are pouring in upon us. In 1931 Toronto did not see itself as a multi-cultural society. It saw itself as British and people sincerely believed that white people were superior and that the British Empire was the most civilized society ever. Society was openly racist and imperialist. Restrictive immigration laws were passedContinue reading “Chinese Immigrants & The Old East End “

Vincenzo Casci: Vintner, Sculptor

Did you know that an internationally award-winning vineyard perched on the east side of Coxwell Avenue north of Gerrard? A small street, Casci Avenue, is the only reminder left on Coxwell Avenue, but the story is fascinating. Vincenzo Giuseppe Casci was a sculptor. He was born October 17, 1828, in Barga, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy. JohnContinue reading “Vincenzo Casci: Vintner, Sculptor”